Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Marine Based Skin Care Ingredients – Why They Are So Powerful

How many times have you been for a facial or spa treatment and heard that seaweed, algae, marine based ingredients as so good for you but have not been sure exactly how they work?  You’re not the only one!  So let us try to shed some light on the real benefits of their use and importance in health and beauty.

The ocean is literally the ultimate mineral water and its chemistry is virtually identical to that of the human body making them extremely easy to absorb.  Marine algae (seaweeds) are concentrates of the ocean’s life force—minerals, trace elements, amino acids, beta-carotenes, phyto-hormones, enzymes and more—and all of which are naturally balanced and bio-available.  All of these components are represented in the marine based skin care line that we use at Balance Spa in select treatments and in our retail area.

Marine algae provide anti-aging due benefits to its richness in delivering the building blocks of life—minerals and trace elements directly to the basal cell layer of the skin.  Copper, Zinc, Manganese, Phosphorous, Magnesium are all vital to the synthesis of collagen and fibronectin fibers.  Therefore, these elements help to firm up the connective support matrix of the skin increasing skin firmness and tone.  Marine algae are also rich in a vast array of antioxidants to protect the cell against environmental aggressors such as ultra-violet radiation, pollution, smoking and deficient nutrition. 

All of these elements—iodine, magnesium, calcium, copper, zinc, etc., have been shown to cross the skin’s corneal barrier and enter the body.  Clinical studies conducted by University of Rennes in France (and later replicated by the University of Bordeaux), demonstrated conclusively that micro-elements penetrate the skin due to their infinitesimally small size and also due to their ionization that facilitate their passage.

So, to summarize, algae (seaweed) is filled with amazing life force elements that are easily absorbed and help feed, nourish, protect and repair our skin. 

What If I’m Allergic to Iodine?
Iodine is the most misunderstood of all elements.  According to studies including UCLA, most Americans have an iodine deficiency.  The RDA of iodine is 150 IUs in the United States.  It is closer to 10,000 IUs in Japan where they experience one tenth the incidence of breast cancer.  Allergies associated with seafood usually revolve around certain proteins found in shell fish…..not iodine.  Yet perception can be reality.  For those who are still skeptical we offer a red algae treatment.  Red algae and white algae contain low doses of iodine making them quite suitable for those with sensitivity to this vital element. 

Which Marine Based Facials Do You Have at Balance Spa?
Our “Beat The Burn Summer Facial” uses all marine based products by SpaTechnologies to nourish and protect your skin.   This deep cleansing facial calms and repairs the skin with algae, sea water, and plankton enzymes. After first cleansing with a Marine Gel Cleanser, you will enjoy a light exfoliation with micronized pearl followed by a gentle facial massage with Buriti and Essential plant oils. A cooling algae-based mask will soothe and calm irritated skin while clearing clogged pores. To finish, Anti-Oxidant Recovery Balm and Organic Sunscreen SPF 45 are applied to make sure you are well hydrated and protected. 

We hope to see you soon!