Thursday, July 16, 2015

The Nitty Gritty On Lash Extensions by Alishia Phillips

My passion for lash extensions stemmed from the total transformation from un-lashed to lashed, it is quite dramatic!  There is such a strong wow-factor and I revel in the joy that clients express when they look in the mirror afterwards and see how stunning they look with their new lashes!  Being in the service industry, this is what gives us that ultimate job satisfaction and reward – another happy client!  I love it!

Providing spa services in an upmarket area like Boca Raton, we realize our clients have many options when it comes to finding an establishment for lash services and so we strive to be the very best!  Let me firstly start with my lash training, experience and education.  I completed the Natural Lash certification, and I chose this course because the instructor is a registered nurse, and places a high priority on safety, sanitation and client care.  I’ve been doing facials for a long time, so I know how important this is!  I am, after all, going to be working right around your very delicate eyes.  I am also a member of World Association of Lash Artistry and Development,  and follow Lash Tech Tutorials, a private forum for those who are not only serious about eyelash extensions, but who want to be a part of making this industry grow and progress.   For the record, our industry insurance will not provide us with coverage unless we have an official certification.  Having completed my lash training, I also completed an apprenticeship program with a lash extension professional in Coral Springs who has been doing lashes for almost 10 years.  I am also a very active member of multiple forums where members collaborate to ensure that we are all up to date with the latest techniques, products and education.  After completing my apprenticeship, I went on to work on my brave friends and family who kindly agreed to be guinea pigs!
What I learned during my first 10 sets of practice lashes is that the quality of the glue, lashes and equipment is extremely important!!  For example, below is an image to show you what can happen if you use poor quality lashes.  Lesser quality lashes are usually, thick, heavy and can actually damage your real lashes!  Eeck!  Also, I was very interested to find out that there are so many different styles, thickness, shapes and lengths of lashes and it’s a real talent selecting just the right lash for each client.  Did you know that no two people have the same sort of lashes?  Some people have very straight lashes, some are curly, some are thin, some thick.  All of this needs to be considered when applying your extensions, so that you get the very best looking set.  

In completing my classroom and hands on training I’ve learned that lashing is indeed a very serious business because if I don’t do everything right, I could adversely affect the health of my clients’ lashes.   Since I thrive on positive customer feedback and very much want clients to come back to me, doing a great job every time is my main objective.  I also love the challenge of matching up the right style of lashes that will best complement each person’s eyes and face shape.  You wouldn’t think so but there is actually a strategy to that.  I ALWAYS do a patch test before booking a client to make sure they are not allergic to the medical grade adhesive I use.  I always schedule a complimentary consultation with you to go over expectations, outcomes and how to care for your lashes to ensure they last a long time.  I like to make sure that you are a good candidate for lash extensions so I will look at your current lash health and give you an honest evaluation of what type of lash and look I think you need.

Alishia is my name, lashes are my game so come and speak to me about how I can give you a glamorous fresh look with luscious lash extensions! 

 If you're interested in scheduling a complimentary consultation for lash extensions, please click here.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

Sunburn Woes

Isn’t it funny how at the beginning of every summer you always promise yourself you’re not going to get  sunburned like you did last summer but somehow there is that one time when you’re enjoying being out  so much, that you slip up and forget to reapply.  Later you scan your lobster skin in the mirror and curse yourself for being so negligent!  You feel the sting of the burn and know that in a few days it’s not going to be pretty!  Being in sunny, beachside Boca Raton, South Florida, we see it happen too many times.

Luckily we’ve found a great remedy that if applied immediately after you’ve been in the sun can reduce the damage dramatically.  The Ocean After Sun Relief is ironically created mostly with ingredients from the ocean and will drastically limit the nasty and painful side effects of a sun burn. This is a light, cooling tonic formulated with isotonic seawater, marine algae and a signature complex of antioxidants to soothe, calm and nourish inflamed and environmentally damaged skin.  The plankton enzymes help speed up healing.
It can be used for all skin types following sun exposure or weathering such as high altitude wind burns, exposure to extremes of heat and cold.  Simply splash a small amount in your hands and spread over any exposed areas including your face.  You will immediately feel a cooling relief.  The cypress, rosemary, sage and juniper make this a deliciously aromatic experience as well!

The Ocean After Sun Relief by SpaTechnologies is available on sale this summer at Balance Spa for only $15.  Pick one up next time you’re in for your massage or facial and make sure you aren’t left with lobster skin!  You can also order from our website:

Enjoy your summer (safely)!