Saturday, July 11, 2015

Sunburn Woes

Isn’t it funny how at the beginning of every summer you always promise yourself you’re not going to get  sunburned like you did last summer but somehow there is that one time when you’re enjoying being out  so much, that you slip up and forget to reapply.  Later you scan your lobster skin in the mirror and curse yourself for being so negligent!  You feel the sting of the burn and know that in a few days it’s not going to be pretty!  Being in sunny, beachside Boca Raton, South Florida, we see it happen too many times.

Luckily we’ve found a great remedy that if applied immediately after you’ve been in the sun can reduce the damage dramatically.  The Ocean After Sun Relief is ironically created mostly with ingredients from the ocean and will drastically limit the nasty and painful side effects of a sun burn. This is a light, cooling tonic formulated with isotonic seawater, marine algae and a signature complex of antioxidants to soothe, calm and nourish inflamed and environmentally damaged skin.  The plankton enzymes help speed up healing.
It can be used for all skin types following sun exposure or weathering such as high altitude wind burns, exposure to extremes of heat and cold.  Simply splash a small amount in your hands and spread over any exposed areas including your face.  You will immediately feel a cooling relief.  The cypress, rosemary, sage and juniper make this a deliciously aromatic experience as well!

The Ocean After Sun Relief by SpaTechnologies is available on sale this summer at Balance Spa for only $15.  Pick one up next time you’re in for your massage or facial and make sure you aren’t left with lobster skin!  You can also order from our website:

Enjoy your summer (safely)!

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