Friday, August 5, 2016

Muscle Of The Month - Quadratus Lumborum

Why are we thankful for the good old QL? 

 It’s the muscle that helps you carry 15 bags of groceries in one one trip!


Attaches:   The lower rib, the spinal vertebrae and the pelvis. 
Function:  To stabilize and help function of the lower spine.  If you’re holding a heavy weight in your right hand, the QL contracts to keep you from leaning to the right.  Besides that, the QL connects the pelvis to the spine.
Strong QL Test:  Hold and time a side plank position on each side (left & right).  If there is a significant difference in time it is likely that one side is stronger than the other. 

Interesting QL Facts:
  • It allows your upper body and lower body to do things independently.  For example, keep your hips and legs still while moving your shoulders and arms. 
  • It is known as the “hip hiker” because it’s the muscle that lifts the hip. 
  • QL pain can be paralyzing. It brings a sharp stabbing knife like pain to the lower back area. Turning over in bed and trying to stand from a sitting position can almost bring tears to the eyes. 
  • If you have one hip noticeably higher than the other, chances are you have problems with the QL.

Possible Signs of An Unhappy QL: 
  • Pain in the lower back.  Generally deep, dull, and aching, but may be sharp during movement. 
  • You may have to drop on all fours due to pain from the QL. 
  • Coughing and sneezing can be extremely painful. 
  • You may not be able to roll over in bed or stand upright due to pain. 
  • You may have referring pain down the leg mimicking sciatica. 
So, next time you're carrying 15 bags of groceries in one shot, remember to thank your QL!  If you have a tight QL, massage therapy could be a great option to help loosen and lengthen the muscle tissue.  If it's more serious, you may need to consult with a medical doctor or physical therapist. 

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